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Showing posts from May, 2016

Those Who Can't Do

I taught for twelve years and now I am taking a break. I had a baby. Teaching full time and raising this baby feel incompatible. One or the other could get done. I did one for so long I may as well try the other. Also I wanted this baby, and waited for this baby. So, So. Twelve years is a long time and I want to spend some time and space reflecting on those years. They made up the bulk of my adult life. Most pieces of what transpired don't fit into any easy narrative structure, but that is how my mind is wired to process information. Life is narrative, in my mind I am the hero of that narrative, or at least the main character. I want to sort out what 25 to 36 was for, whys and hows, so I can put this time to some sort of rest. I have a new season to begin and there is finally some space for me to consider all of what passed. Let's begin.