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Found in Pomona

Antique Row here in P-Town is slowly shutting down. Every year we loose a few more stores as dealers retire or owners pass on. According to friends who've lived here longer the real hey day for Antiques here was the 1980's and 1990's so when I moved here in 2001 I'd already missed out on the good times. Oh well, I've had a lot of great finds at the stores. Here are a few:

1. A brilliant blue Chinese vase. I am sure it is made for the tourist market, it is small with fake looking marks on the bottom, The color is striking and the form is very sweet. It is perfect for holding geraniums that bloom so plentifully here. Finding it cheered me up tremendously on a bad day.

2. A gold-tone beaded necklace with a small bird charm. It went perfectly with every outfit and I wore it almost daily until it broke and I couldn't find all the beads to fix it properly.

3. A Franciscan Duet coffee pot. Everyone loves Starburst, but the same molds were used to make two other dish sets, Duet and Oasis. I like Duet, its two mod roses and nice form. The MCM movement also liked pretty.

4. A Bakelite Cherries necklace. Its a bit of a hodge-podge. The cherries are Bakelite, but the leaves are brown resin and the chain is new red plastic. Its a great statement piece.

5. A tile painted by Jean Goodwin Ames. It is a picture of a girl in a ridiculously billowy dress running while holding onto a ribbon. It is dedicated on the back to a friend's daughter.


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