Bands: 1. Lavender Diamond because they are a true neo-hippie band that preaches love and peace. 2. Danielson , though I know his music is so weird I can't help but to love his theology. 3. St. Vincent who rocks hard and is incredibly girlie. 4. Andrew Bird writes playful lyrics that blend with sublime melodies. Thank you. Thank you. Comics: 1. We the Robots , like "We the People" except better. 2. The Non-Adventures of Wonderella is what happens when ignorance, super powers and alcoholism collide. 3. Kate Beaton is wonderfully funny though she is a complete nerd. WebSites: 1. Goodreads allows me to foist my opinion about books on others. 2. Etsy allows me to purchase the unecessary directly from the crafter of the item. 3. Daytrotter interviews the most indie of indie bands than provides free podcasts. Television: 1. Pushing Daisies. Fairy-tale fantasy is highly addictive. 2. Flight of the Conchords kept me sane this summer. God bless all those who posted the new e...