1. Lavender Diamond because they are a true neo-hippie band that preaches love and peace.
2. Danielson, though I know his music is so weird I can't help but to love his theology.
3. St. Vincent who rocks hard and is incredibly girlie.
4. Andrew Bird writes playful lyrics that blend with sublime melodies. Thank you. Thank you.
1. We the Robots, like "We the People" except better.
2. The Non-Adventures of Wonderella is what happens when ignorance, super powers and alcoholism collide.
3. Kate Beaton is wonderfully funny though she is a complete nerd.
1. Goodreads allows me to foist my opinion about books on others.
2. Etsy allows me to purchase the unecessary directly from the crafter of the item.
3. Daytrotter interviews the most indie of indie bands than provides free podcasts.
1. Pushing Daisies. Fairy-tale fantasy is highly addictive.
2. Flight of the Conchords kept me sane this summer. God bless all those who posted the new episodes on YouTube.
1. Pots and Pans by Les Savy Fav. The concept of the song, a band that is so bad they are a test to the people, is better than the actual song though the song is still great.
2. This Year by The Mountain Goats. On the day before my birthday I played this song non-stop. Mainly for the line "There will be feasting and dancing in Jerusalem next year."
1. Once. I loved the small solemness of this film.
2. Juno. Far better than I hoped. Good use of Kimya Dawson's songs.
3. Danielson, a Familie Movie. This documentary did a wonderful job at looking at all parts of this artist's life.
Books: Reviews are on my Goodreads page.
1. Housekeeping
2. The Mozart Season
3. The Cartoon History of the Modern World
1. Driving my brother's now sold Cabriolet convertible with my dad.
2. Getting the AMOCA flier for the George Ohr show.
3. Driving away from a horrible production of Hamlet at the Hollywood Cemetery
4. Teaching my reading class what a plith is.
5. Seeing the Danielson movie.
6. Watching Jesus Camp while baking a cheesecake and wearing rhinestone earrings that would do my Great Grandma proud.
7. Reading "God Went to Beauty School" to my befuddled church.
8. Finding out Angela's baby was born on my birthday.
9. Watching Crow do the elf dance.
10. Reading chapter 10 in Housekeeping.
11. Hearing my students say "Ms. Krogh I recognize that painting!" at the Getty.
12. Taking Gaby and Lorena to the beach.
13. Going to the Seattle Sculpture Garden with my mom.
14. Getting tipsy with Mark at Michelle's goodbye party.
15. Painting my bathroom lavender tan.
16. Getting head-butted by Eli.
17. Coloring with Syd.