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Everything's a Miracle

Or nothing is right? I said Am I Right?
(mood: punchy)
I am a person who sees the small actions in my day to day life as miracles simply because I can. I grew up living in various imaginary worlds, waiting for the veil between this world and the mystical one that lay beyond to lift so I could go to my true home. Some days I still look for the seam.
Fortunately for me Christians believe in miracles. The unexplained, fantastical, and wondrous are supposed to exist for us. So I re frame the normal everyday things that happen to me as miracles. My hope is that if I have faith in the small I will one day see the grand.
So my miracle today was Anne. I knew in the morning that choosing to pack salad dressing was a lost cause. Somehow I was going to loose my balsamic vinaigrette and, having no desire to eat a dry salad, use the cafeteria's watery ranch instead. As all life is a risk, I took the vinaigrette anyways. During lunch I was opening the dressing container while talking to coworkers (awful idea). Opening the container towards me was also not the smartest. I spill food on myself constantly. Once a friend in college asked, in all seriousness, if I had any clothes that were not stained. The spillage of the dressing was magnificent. It cascaded from my navel to my toes and pooled on the floor around me. I was stupefied and my coworkers (Gold Bless them) hurried to clean up the mess. Anne, one of our aides, offered to run home and get me some clothes. She is also tall like me, but skinny where I have been compared to both a horse and an elephant. I told her it was alright, I am a size 14, and couldn't possibly, oh. Her daughter is a size 14 as well. So she brought me clothes. The best part of my day was taking off the stinky vinegar soaked clothes to put on clean ones.
Her generosity was a miracle to me. She took off her whole lunch to go home and bring me clothes. She saved me from having to suffer from embaressment the whole day, which I was fully expecting to do (kids have no mercy and think adults are immune to pain). And really not having to smell was such a blessing. Later when I put the clothes in the wash the stink really hit me. Thank God I didn't have to wear that smell. Thank God for small miracles and wonderful kindness. Thank God for Anne.


jogger mom said…
good story Megan! I love your phrasing 'some days I still look for the seam'

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